human - EH - TEAR - RE - AN
INSPIRE - philanthropist - PROMOTING SOCIAL WELFARE - humanitarian
noun or adjective... HUMANITARIAN (hu - man - i - tar - i - an) = lives + work + better + world
This prestigious award was designed to give back to inspiring and distinguished individuals who have gone out of their way and given it their all in unselfish and altruistic ways to make this world a better place.
2006 oprahGAIL Winfrey (philanthropist)
2007 karenEMBDEN (miami-dade county public schools)
2008 bobMAYER, trinaROBINSON & kellyCRAIG (nbc6; miami, florida)
2009 lorraineTHOMAS (wendy's restaurants/dave thomas foundation for adoption)
2010 rogerGOODELL (nfl commissioner)
2011 justinTIMBERLAKE (musician, philanthropist/shriner's hospitals)
2012 mikeRUBINSTEIN (former pembroke pines, fl city commissioner)
2013 terranceDAVIS (city of miami fire department)
2014 walterSMITH (attorney)
2015 howardSCHNELLENBERGER (former univeristy of miami head football coach)

rogerGOODELL with toddEDWARDS
if you would like to nominate someone for this award, please email us and we'll get back to ya!